Cumberland College (Closed. See Suncrest College)

Bridging To Grade 12

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Program Information

School:Cumberland College (Closed. See Suncrest College)
Faculty:Adult Basic Education
Degree:Not Applicable
Field of Study:College/Univ. Prep. and Advan. H. School/2ndary Diploma Pgms
Description:The bridging program is one to two semesters of English, Mathematics, and (in some locations) Science at the Grade 11 Level, designed to prepare students for success in the Grade 12 (Level 4) program. All students entering the ABE program are assessed to determine the level of their English and Math skills. Assessment includes two exams (English and Math) to evaluate if the bridging semester would be helpful for the student's academic success in Level 4 (Grade 12). Each exam is assessed individually, that is; a student may be able to direct enter the Grade 12 Math course but would benefit from the Bridging English prior to entry to Grade 12 English, or vice versa. Students then enter the Grade 12 program in the next semester or they may continue with a 2nd semester of bridging should they need.

While in either or both Bridging programs, students may be able to enroll in any Grade 12 Sciences or Electives in order to achieve Grade 12 academic standing. In order to provide education with links to the workplace, there will be opportunites for the student to engage in applicable workplace essential skills training programs. During the Bridging program students also have the opportunity to prepare to write the GED Tests. The GED Tests are written at or near the end of the semester.
URL:Bridging To Grade 12 at Cumberland College (Closed. See Suncrest College)
Modified on June 28, 2010